Thursday 21 May 2015

Thursday 21st May 2015

Day four started with the visit of the water treatment of in- and outdoor pools in Meiningen. We were given entrance into the cellar of the swimming pool which is run by the municipal power supplier. There, we could see how the water is cleaned and how it is heated, for example. Many monitoring screens in different locations make sure that the temperature and the amount of chlorine is always appropriate. During the following proper German lunch, we could enjoy the beautiful view from the terrace of the swimming pool.

After visiting the indoor and outdoor pools and their technical background, we also got the possibility to see and test an electric car. It was presented by one employee of the municipal power supplier who decided to buy this car in order to be a role model for other people. However, they are also quite conscious about the remaining challenges of electronic cars. Many private people cannot afford the high initial costs and there are still not many places to recharge such cars. Additionally, the question arose, if it is still meeting the purpose of the cars if it is recharged with nuclear energy. After the discussions and theoretical explanations, we all had the chance to take part in a short test drive revealing how quiet the car it. There is even an artificial sound integrated so that people walking on the streets can hear the car coming.