Friday 22 May 2015

Friday 22nd May 2015

Unbelievable, how time flies. Today is already the last day of the program; and a very exciting day as well. We went to the only solar panel producing company in Germany, called Solarworld. On the site, we had the chance to see almost the complete production line from silicon to solar modules which takes about two days in real time. From small balconies, we had a good overview over the production that includes innumerable steps, as well as lots of different machines and robots. Unfortunately, it was not allowed to take any pictures due to data protection reasons.

The day was concluded with a reflection and feedback about the program and the handover of everyone´s certificates of participation. The whole group agreed that the week in Germany was full of fabulous and unforgettable experience. We got entrance to sites and companies which are usually closed for the public and learned so much with the help of various practical and theoretical means. Additionally, we were able to discuss and share lots of important information and best practice about renewable energy. Last but not least, it was also great fun to get to know new people and be part of an amazing group.